Normally and as time unfolds in the history of the Church, such honorable positions are given to priests who had distinguished themselves by:
Moral rectitude
Intellectual capacity-which involves
Academic proficiency
Professional enterprise
Social skill.
Missionary zeal
A man of deep faith
A lover of Christ and his Church
Fruits of Labor- Progress in the Church
Relationship with the Church’s Authority and the People of God.
Your health-for any honor given to a priest is call to more commitment
Monsignor Anselem comes from the Archdiocese of Owerri in Imo State of Nigeria. This Charismatic priest had his background from the Catholic faith in Igbo land. Igbo land had always produced men of great faith. It is no surprise that the first Nigerian to be made a Monsignor in the United States comes from this area. click for more details...