Igbo Proverbs


Ilu Igbo

In this text area you can include a description about your staff member. Work experience, education, cell number, job history, levels of expertise, or personal interests and goals.

Oji ofor ga ala

In this text area you can include a description about your staff member. Work experience, education, cell number, job history, levels of expertise, or personal interests and goals.


Aka na enye n'ano n'elu mgbe-nile

The hand that gives is always on top.

Okuku tuta ijere, ike oso di-kwa ya

In this text area you can include a description about your staff member. Work experience, education, cell number, job history, levels of expertise, or personal interests and goals.

A tuor omara omara atuora ofeke, ofeke efeba n'ohia

In this text area you can include a description about your staff member. Work experience, .